Saturday, May 06, 2006

Self Defense For Women

This month, let's contribute to benefit the ladies in our community by providing self defense ideas specifically for women. We understand that women will usually have a substantial size and strength disadvantage against a man. So, what would work best for them?

Let's use this scenario:
A woman finds herself in a somewhat isolated place, or in a place where her only escape is blocked by her attacker (we will assume that if an exit were available, she would take it quickly). She knows she cannot "fight" him. What could/should she do?

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At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am affraid to contribute a suggestion to a topic of such importance, but I feel it could do no harm to give a few ideas.

I am a well-built, relatively large man (6'8"cm, 90+ kg), and have played with my female friends in a manner that would resemble an assault.
One time, I bear hugged this girlfriend of mine (who is really fiesty, by the way) and, taken in play, she incidentally kicked me in my left shin. None of us expected such a move to be made, but the pain wasn't overcomeable. I didn't give away that it hurt, but my grip loosened, so she (taken in by the play)turned around swiftly, freed her arm and placed her fingers (along with their long fingernails) in an eye-gauging position. One of the happiest moments of my life was the sight of her smiling face then, not because of the "romantic" moment, but because I was happy she was on my side.
Had I been a thug, I would most likely be handicapped for the rest of my life.
Now, although this was only a play, a real life practice of a similiar scenario could be made:

- Do not show your attacker that you possess even a bit of possibility or will to hurt him, play it vulnerable
- you have to preserve courage and allow the thug to approach you and lower his guard
-once he is open, strike in the most vital of places and run

At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This might be a bit lengthy but I hope it helps.
A friend of mine was telling me the other day that her dad told her if she was ever in a serious situation with a larger man, that she should grab hold of the groin area and squeeze. Although this might sound like a good idea, I automatically said this was not a good idea. If a bigger man breaks into your house, he probably has a crow bar or something to break windows with. So if you grab him there, most likely he will hit you. By grabbing him all you are doing is using up one hand, putting yourself in a more vulnerable position. Like Dan said, go for the vitals but don't try and grab anything. Your attack should be quick and "out of nowhere." This will take the attacker completely off guard.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger Sifu Trey Crake said...

Thanks guys.
I must agree. Don't grab the groin.

A fellow instructor told me that he saw a guy trying to get out of a confrontation by getting down on his knees in front of an intimidator (acting as if he were begging for mercy), and reach up and grab the guy's groin and squeeze as hard as he could. The guy on his knees ended up getting punched in the face until he finally let go.

The groin is a good target for a quick hard strike, particularly a knee.

There's lots more to be said about this topic. I will comment more as more comments are posted.

Let's hear some more good ideas.

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have heard stories via my Sensei that a good loud Kiai has proven enough to make would be attackers see sense. I think if that it was me in the situation I would certainly try a front knee to the groin. Confidence is the ultimate I believe, by showing your confidence you are a step ahead in the first place.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Ty said...

I wouldn't advice the whole 'grab the crotch' idea. I can guarantee it just won't work in most cases for the following reasons:

1: It's a hard place to grab.
2: It's easy to avoid
3: It forces you to bend over, and lose sight of your opponent, making you vulnerable to his strikes.
4: You could grab the wrong part.
5: The crushing power of your grip may not be sufficient.
6: He may be wearing tough pants such as jeans, or crotch stuff.
7: He may be a eunich, drugged, drunk, or able to overcome such pain to hurt you.

A quick rap there is an okay idea, but generally a woman needs to rely upon speed and brutal attacks, not anything grappling.

The parable about wrestling with a female friend is nice, but it's not applicable since the intent to harm her was not serious. Real muggers and rapists usually have no compulsions against being rough. Even so, hitting the shin and stabbing the eyes do sound good.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Sifu Trey Crake said...

Great input folks.

I do believe a good loud shout will always greatly increase the effectiveness of a strong, unexpected strike.

I was looking for someone to bring up weapons.

Ladies, you should always carry some sort of weapon with you.

A handgun would be ideal, but, I know it is not practical for many.
Mace or pepper spray is also good. Also, a loud whistle, either one to blow, or the small personal alarms that are available at any of the self defense products stores (sites).

Remember, this guy does not want to get caught or have witnesses. A long loud shrill from a whistle will likely send him on his way.

Another great tactic is to reach your hand inside your purse, and pretend to have a hold of something (even an imaginary weapon). Look directly at your attacker and hold the other hand out, palm facing toward him, as if pushing him back. And proceed past him saying, "Back Off! Just Back Off!Don't make me use this!"

He won't know if you are holding a gun, mace, or whatever.

He doesn't want to get caught and he doesn't want to get hurt.

He'll likely let you pass.

More to come.

Be prepared, Be aware, Stay Safe!

At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In teaching women about defending themselves, I NEVER tell them to go for the groin as a First strike area. If anything ever approaches that area, the guy's peripheral vision will most likely catch it and he can easily deflect the attack with a slight knee movement. He will then know you are fighting back and intensify his approach. A simple palm strike to the nose will cause extreme pain, blood and blurred vision AND give enough time to then strike the groin and get away.

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Sifu Trey Crake said...


If the suspicious person is in your way, and you must get past them, you can approach them.

Appear sweet, and speak softly and look them in the eyes. Make them believe you are not a threat, but rather, that you might be interested in them.

You could even mention that you need their help with something.
"Can I ask a favor of you?"
This will cause them to drop their guard.

You are just trying to get close enough to strike them (very close).

Perhaps an eye jab, a palm strike to the chin, or a knee to the groin.

They may attempt to touch you with a grab or a hug. Do not allow them to put their hands on you. Strike now!
If they grab you, they may very well maintain their grip when you strike. Bad situation.

Remember, your job is not to fight them. Just to stun them and run past them to safety.

A good loud yell will help the effect of the strike.

"Stun and Run!" And get out of there!

Be safe
Sifu Crake

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most importan is be capable to break the fear point, neverless the technique, the training, the size or the force. of any assailant or victim, if you want success in selfdefense work with your fear, push your limits, don't feel pity, no doubts, no disgust, just take accion and don't stop until no risk left, take is eyes out, rip is fingers appart, grap some ear with your extreme force dig with your fingernails and rip off, make the difference, if you need to take accion. Really DO IT.

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Rev. Rumble Fish said...

I would strongly suggest against a groin shot of any kind. Theoretically it sounds like the obvious choice, but in all reality and function, a man's groin area is a typically well protected area.

An outright attack would be foolish due to size and strength difference.

Assuming the attacker hasn't done anything but intimidate, the woman should call out "Fire! Fire!" It is more likely to get some one to help vice screaming "Help he's going to hurt me..."

Secondly create a space. If the attacker is going to pursue make him travel towards not be in arms reach.

If the attacker makes contact and grabs the woman utilize all your natural defenses. Knee and elbow strikes. Eye gouging. Strong shots to bony areas of the body like the shins. Aim for the throat. Strike fast and hard. If you are carying keys make them count. Anything you can use as a weapon, use it. Force the attacker to relinquish his grip. Once he lets go run!

But the best self defense is not to get placed in an isolated position alone to begin with.

At 1:37 AM, Blogger Ty said...

Some further input here. On the subject of using the purse as a weapon, I advise women to watch the movie 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' for April O'Neals' moves. It does look quite formidable! Use what you know, and you know your purse better than a sai. Note however, that it probably won't be able to overcome more than a ninja or two.

Remember when thinking about shins, that you can be kicked in the shin as well.

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

going back to the groin attack, i've seen a guy of 24 get kicked perfectly in the groin (i was standing next to the kicker) with a really hard kick and not be affected, he just looked at the kicker and said "whats up with the kicking in the groin" so the kicker was obviously a little bit weary of going into a proper fight with this guy.

the adrenelin crazed attacker would meerely shake off alot of blows that you use, simply because these "street fighters" simply wear thier scars and bruises proudly, if you broke the attackers nose then he wouldnt drop and start sobbing like a baby, yes, you would get the chance to run away as his eyes would be watering but if he is dedicated to striking you down it wont stop him.

Back to the ladies question, i strongly teach that the easiest way for a lady to stop an attacker is to strike the eyes, an eye strike would stop the attacker instantly, he might want to get his way with you but not at the expense of his sight, plus most women have long nails and this would result in the attackers blindness.

obviously things will vary due to circumstances, such as, what if he grabs from behind? will an elbow or lower strike be enough to stun him, will i be able to strike his eyes from my position, this is where the female should use a verbal defence as in the shout "rape" scenario, if you are shouting this word then the attacker would surely be thinking someone might have heard and now that means he could be facing getting caught.

Im know i havent covered much here but i am merely trying to put across that as the question says most women will come across a bigger stronger guy, and in my experience attacking the eyes would stop any living thing.

Wado Dave

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just something to add from my last post:

Distance: if you are walking home in the middle of the night then really you shouldnt let a man walk close enough behind you so that he could grab, think about it, you know someones intentions as soon as you see them, are they coming in close enough to invade your barriers, are they being agressive etc...

Try to avoid these situations by keeping away from them in the first place, have a male friend walk you home, pretend to be on the phone if you are walking alone, he might not think about attacking you if your talking to someone.

I dont think there is a perfect answer to avoid any of the scenerios that you could conjour,

the way you train is the way you'll react.

Wado Dave

At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My two oldest daughters are 19 and 15. As we know avoidance is the best technique. Like Sifu says the offender does not want to be noticed so make plenty of loud noise and continually make quick striking movements to the face and pressure points to stun him and run. My daughters don't carry mase but thank you sifu for the Idea.



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